Wednesday, October 15, 2014

TV Review: The Flash

TV Review: The Flash

 Season 1: Episode 2   Fastest Man Alive

Quick Recap:
Barry Allen wants to make a difference in the world so he is saving regular people while they wait for another meta-human to show.  This leads to lectures and fights between Barry and Det. Joe West.  Barry wants to help, but Joe just wants him safe.  Barry and the team at STAR labs do not know very much about his ability or the side effects.  After having headaches, dizziness, and a fainting spell, they test Barry to figure out what is going on.  Simply enough, he isn't eating enough for his body to handle to the super speed.  

Barry is juggling his day job as a crime scene investigator with his desire to use his ability for good.  He has a hard time managing normal relationships with his radical new self which is why he often finds himself on the receiving end of Iris's "You forgot to do this with me" speeches. 

We meet Simon Stagg, who works in cellular cloning and organ transplants.  Stagg has an ex-employee, Danton Black, trying to kill him.  Black has the ability to clone to himself.  Super Barry's first encounter with Black does not go well.  He gets his butt kicked.  This leads to crisis of confidence where Barry Allen believes he isn't capable of rescuing anyone.  Dr. Wells helps Joe see how much potential Barry actually has, but he has to have people who support him and believe in him and his ability in order for him to succeed.  Super Barry is able to defeat Danton Black a.k.a. Multiplex.  Joe and Barry are able to mend their relationship, and Joe tells Barry he will help him find the person who murdered his mother. 

The episode ends with Dr. Wells going to Stagg's office.  Wells and Stagg have an interesting conversation on the evolution of mankind before Wells tells him the man in the red mask will one day be the Flash.  Wells then stands up from his wheelchair and stabs Stagg with a knife.

I really love Barry Allen's character.  I really enjoyed him when he was on the one episode of Arrow.  He is the perfect combination of smart, gentleman, and nerdy cool.  He is such a likable guy that you just connect with him so easily.  You want him to be awesome, but you can totally understand his struggles.  

 I am not completely sold on the potential Iris love connection.  Granted, I do not read the comics so I can't say where this relationship historically goes, but I just don't see it becoming anything.  Sure Barry is in love with her, but she is clueless about it and clearly thinks of him as her brother. 

I love the relationship with Det. Joe West and Barry.  This episode is so rich in the development of that relationship.  Joe has raised Barry like his son, but Barry doesn't recognize Joe's role in the same way.  Joe protects him like a father.  He wants what is best for him.  He supports him.  Barry appreciates that Joe has cared for him, but for him he still has his father who is locked up in prison.  Joe is more than a friend, but still not his father.  I love that you get to see Barry finally recognize the sacrifice and amount of love a complete stranger was willing to put into a boy who lost his family.

As for Dr. Wells...HOLY COW HE STABBED A MAN!  Yeah apparently he is faking his wheelchair boundness, but he seriously just stabbed a man.  Jury is still out on bad guy/good guy.  It could go both ways.  It seems he is protecting Flash, but he could easily just be an evil mastermind.

Favorite Line:
Definitely Cisco's remark that Barry should be eating 850 tacos a day for his metabolism at super speed.  That's every woman's dream.  Eat whatever you want and have this super awesome metabolism that almost magically burns it all away.  Yes!  Extra cheesecake folks!

Best Perfomance:
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen.  It's early in the series, but he does such a fantastic job of making Barry Allen a real, likable guy.  He has this optimism that just lifts everyone else up.

Rating (1-5):

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pinterest & Windshield Wipers

Let's just face facts up front.  Pinterest is awesome!  It will also take away entire hours of your life because you get sucked into this vortex of endless photos you "need" to see.  Every now and then, I believe you find that one pin that just gets you.  It's life changing.  So probably not, but it makes you feel validated that you are not alone in the universe.  As I was stalking browsing Pinterest this morning, I came across the anxiety cat memes.


Flashback to my teenage years:
My first car was a 1989 Toyota Corolla.  It didn't have the fancy speed adjustment wipers.  It had slow, medium, and fast.  There was no way to set it so the wipers would just come on every now and again.  If it was raining, those bad boys were wiping away.  I have driving issues (we can talk about that some other time).  I am extremely cautious.  I like my windows to be rain free.  I don't like to much water collecting on my windshield.  In my little blue shoebox car, I usually drove with my wipers on the medium speed.  Unless I met a car.  At that point, my brain would betray me.  

"Oh crap there is a car.  They don't have their wipers going as fast as mine.  They are probably thinking I am crazy.  I can hear it now 'Oh look at those wipers.  It's not raining that hard.  Why does she have her wipers going as fast as an Olympic runner? Who does that?  FREAK!'  Well I can't stand not having good visibility when I drive...but their wipers are so much slower than mine!  I'll just turn mine down until they pass."

I know it's irrational.  I know it's not normal.  Do I care?  Yes.  Can I change it? No.  My teenage years were difficult and awkward.  It wasn't until I went to college that I finally found out what was wrong with me.  I have social anxiety disorder.  It made a lot of life make way more sense.

Anxiety Cat.  I get you.  I can relate to almost every single thing you say.  People....they scare me to death.